Yes, I felt he was sincere in his apology. He was definitely sorry that he got caught. Couldn't you see it in his red rimmed eyes and his poignant pauses? I am glad I have closure on this but do you know who I really feel sorry for? Those poor women he was having affairs with--yes, his mistresses. I mean how could anyone think they gave up the goods to him because he is one of the most rich and powerful athletes in the world?! Those women could never have suspected that they weren't the only lady in his life--well, except for his wife. He made them feel special by committing adultery and then they find out he was lying!! Victims, all of them!! I just hope those women get what they deserve.

So was it Tiger or Cheater? I get those mixed up...
bwahahaha i HAD HIM TOO! fuck i thought i was the only one, as well. i best give gloria allered a call, think she'd take me on?
he's a sex addict and will nevah keep his peckah in his pants, my dad was like that and cheated till the day he died.
elin and the kids are the real victims here. his mama needs to bitch slap that man more than once... i wonder if him and his daddy did shit like that when he was still around...hhmmm? i bet so.
you are so cute and funny!
i just love ya, toots...
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