Did you hit someone? No
Kick someone? No
Call someone a bad name? No
Talk when the teacher was talking? No
Say something inappropriate? No
I was running out of bad actions so I asked, "So, was it something you said or something you did with your body?" He replied, "Something I did with my tongue." I was truly stumped and horrified wondering what my 5 year old could have done with his tongue that would get him in trouble. Sage asked him, "Did you lick somebody?" Shepard finally gave up the info, "No, I licked my friend's lunch box. And he went and told on me and then my teacher put me on yellow."
That afternoon I got an email from his teacher that read:
"Please remind Shepard to not put things in his mouth that are not his snack or his lunch.
Shepard really upset another classmate today when he licked the outside of the child's lunchbox.
Thank you!"
I called Alan and this is how it went:

Me: Shepard got on yellow today.
Alan: What?! What happened?
Me: He licked another child's lunch box.
Alan: **Complete silence**
Me: **Hysterical laughter**
Alan: So you're telling me that my son did an Adam Lambert on another child's lunchbox?
Me: Yes, that's what he did
Alan: And he got in trouble for this?
Me: Yes, he got a yellow
Alan: Well, if he wants to be a lunch box licker than that's his right. It's a life style choice. They just need to accept it.
Ok, I get that my child shouldn't lick someone else's lunch box. But is putting him on yellow and sending me an email about it really warranted? I don't really think I need to have a sit down discussion with him about licking lunch boxes. Anyway, it was his first licking offense. But nooooo, she had to go and ruin his love affair with school. Now he doesn't want to go anymore. Here's some advice, Teacher, if it happens again just get in his face and say, "DON'T LICK THINGS!!!" I think he would get the point. Works for me.

Did he-------------------------> just lick a lunchbox?
It's possible.
Good Lord, that's ridiculous. Yeah, really, whatever happened to just telling a kid "Don't do that?"
Shouldn't have licked it. Wasn't his lunch box. But the other kid should not have reacted so harshly. Too sensitive.
WHA...? i'd suggest he SPIT on it next time to deserve getting put on yellow. what a fuckin nutbag the teacher must be. all kids do silly things to make eachother laugh or get grossed out.
someone oughtta put superglue on that teachers chair AND pencil.
bwahahahahahaha teach her a lesson or 2.
that's ridiculous! but i love how alan fully supports his son for pulling a glambert on a lunch box! hahahahahahahahaha
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