You definitely don't want hear about how my eyes had an allergic reaction to my contacts and how they were all bloodshot and drunk looking. And how I had to wear my nerdy glasses for a week straight and I hated it. But my friends at work thought I looked sexy and called me "The Naughty Librarian."
I do not want to bore you with stories about Alan's ring rash--it's on his wedding band finger so he cannot wear his wedding band for the week while it heals. And how I'm totally fine with that even though I will be having him followed while he is not wearing it. (I'm watching you, Alan!) We are considering tattooing a ring on his ring finger so this won't be an issue in the future. And when I say we, I mean me.

And I am absolutely not going to blog about how at a recent neighborhood party I ended the evening looking like this...
'Cause that would just be embarrassing.
There are too many things in my life that just aren't worth mentioning--like how my bathtub was filled up with water, sand, and dirty Legos for a week before Sage cleaned it OR how I cannot afford any home improvement right now so I just move furniture and pictures around to pretend that I have new stuff OR how I know I will never be thin because my gym is right next to a Mexican restaurant and while I am working out I smell the food and fantasize about Chimichangas OR how I secretly practice talking like Heidi Klum because she sounds so fricking cool Or how I think pumpkins are sexy.
I refuse to blog about these nothings. I only want to blog about somethings. So I am stuck waiting and waiting for those somethings--those interesting somethings--to happen. You will know when they happen becaue then I will blog. But until that time I will just have to remain silent. I'm out!
But with a tongue like that ...
I'm just saying ...
Ya, people don't to hear about my colon problems or when I mow the yard. I should just make up a character and blog about him. It would be about how exciting my life it. Then I would get jealous and he'd sleep with my wife and I'd have to kill him with a sling blade. Some people calls it a Kaiser blade.
I'm able to blog so often because I don't spend time on the unimportant parts of the posts - you know, like spelling, grammer, etc.
Knot--You make me laugh and Gene Simmons ain't got nothing on me.
Zibbs--I elweys usse the spel chik.;)
I thought I commented on this already but that must have been in a dream. This is what I like about you, though. You may not blog every day but when you do I know it's something worthwhile and I'm gonna love it.
I adore you.
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