Isn't it cute how he put me in UVA colors? How thoughtful. I also love how my eyes are huge black holes like they are the pits of hell. I seem to have the biggest and most menacing pitchfork. I kind of like that part.
This is the true story of a 40 something woman who lives in a house with her husband and two boys. See what happens when she stops being polite and starts blogging for real!
Looks like he made you a blond too!
Those of us of the crunchy sandwaich must stick together.
I'm jealous that your pitchfork is bigger!
And what is that coming out of your ears? Molten Evil?
Ben O.
HAHAHAHAHA - your kid is awesome!
i love it, it would totally get that framed!
a few years back my daughter got mad at me for something, she retreated to her room and came back down and handed me a picture book (she was five).
i flipped through the pages and saw images of broken hearts, gray rainbows, and a smiley face with a big x through it.
now i know what to get you for your birthday!
` Priceless!
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