Over the weekend we had some very good friends visiting from out of town--I'll call them Barbie and Ken. They are married and have kids the same ages as our kids. They live in another state now and so when we get together we make up for lost time. We enjoyed a long evening that included much food and drink. In fact, between the four of us we polished off three bottles of wine and several beers. After they left, Alan and I stayed up to clean the kitchen. We then went upstairs to check on the kids. As we passed by the boys' bathroom we saw a startling sight--someone had totally yakked in our sink (you know puked, vomited, barfed, blew chunks, did the technicolor yawn.) We were stunned, baffled, appalled and amused all at the same time. It was a sight right out of a fraternity party. After careful examination of the contents and volume of said vomitus we concluded that all kids were ruled out as suspects. It had to have been either Ken or Barbie. Since Ken had to drive, he didn't have more than a beer or three so we deduced that it had to be Barbie. Because there had been no attempt to clean up the mess and the fact that it was totally out of character for Barbie, we were quite shocked. When it came time to clean it up Alan disappeared, assuming, I suppose, that since I'm a nurse I was used to such things. I guess that's fair. I have seen a lot of vomit in my lifetime but I don't think one ever becomes used to it. I have learned to breathe through my mouth though.
The next morning I got a call from Barbie who confessed to the act. She was mortified and very apologetic. She explained that after she did it she left the bathroom to go downstairs to get some paper towels for clean up. However, by the time her foot hit the last step, she had forgotten. She woke in the middle of the night with the horrible realization that yes, it happened and yes, I left it in their sink! Sometimes I worry that I spend too much time with friends reminiscing instead of making new memories. But I think we just made a new memory. And I will cherish it.
****I love drunk stories so feel free to share some of your own. And coming soon...one of my favorite drunk Alan stories. Which one will it be? So many choices.
Haha! Busted.
I'm a drunk dialer. But since I've only been drunk twice in my life, I have no good stories.
Zibbs--Totally busted. :)
Knot--You're such a good boy. I'm a drunk Facebooker. ;)
i could NEVER tell.
mostly because it's just too hard to remember.
funny! sounds like everyone had a good time. ok, so you want a "drunk" story? got many... here's one... senior year in high school, our french club went to montreal to see neil young in concert. (southern man...lalalala and all that) being all of 17, my friends and i drank like there was no tomorrow... unbeknownst to our chaparones of course. i dont exactly remember the why or the how, but i found myself with my head stuck in a barrier separating the open and closed sections of the civic center. they looked like jail cell doors. i found it easy to slip me head in, but then couldnt budge an inch to get out. my friends were divided between laughing at me and being scared of getting in trouble. all i know is ...i got to laughing so hard i peed my pants right then and there, in front of the security guards who showed up with all kinds of tools to "get me out." they eventually did of course, but we laughed about that for years after. then there was the time....
C--that is hysterical! I love it. Head caught and peeing in pants, classic. More, more (clapping hands.)
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