Friday, July 31, 2009

Let sleeping kids lie

Sage crawled into bed with me early this morning and said, "Shepard looks so cute when he is sleeping." I told him "Well, God invented sleep so parents would keep their children." I explained, "Some days kids drive their parents crazy and misbehave so much that by the end of the day the parents say 'We can't take it anymore!!!' and then the kid goes to sleep. When the parents come to check on the child, the child looks like a little angel--so sweet and innocent. And the parents' hearts are filled with love and they decided to keep him. I asked him, "When you looked at Shepard sleeping, did you feel all lovey toward him?" Sage nodded. "See, it works!"

Sage reminded me of the time when he was 2 and we were trying to transition him from a crib to a toddler bed. He was having a very hard time with the transition. He loved the idea of having a big boy bed but when it came to actually sleeping in it, he didn't like that so much. We would put him to bed and then return later to find he had left the bed and fallen asleep in another part of his room. Here he is behind the door...

Under the rocking chair...

Under the bed...

In the corner with all his stuffed animals...

And finally, (this one nearly gave me a heart attack), up on the changing table.

When I'm at work and new parents ask me, "Should I wake the baby?" My answer is always NO! They'll learn soon never wake a sleeping child.


Anonymous said...

That's cool stuff.

Clippy Mat said...

what a kid! he fell asleep on the change table? i bet you almost died LOL

melymelm said...

hahahahhaa. love seeing the old photos.